Outdoor Pursuits

with Rob Miskosky
From the Editor - January 2025

Are feral horses becoming an issue in Alberta?
- iStock.com/Sean Ferguson
There have been feral horses in Alberta for hundreds of years, with some suggesting they have been here since the early 1720s, originating from horses brought over by European settlers and subsequently being intentionally released, or escaping into the wild. Feral horses have been part of the Alberta landscape for centuries and their population fluctuates yearly. These horses are not considered native to Alberta but rather are descendants of domesticated breeds that have since adapted to the wild. Over time, these populations have expanded, particularly in the Rocky Mountain foothills, with significant numbers in areas like Sundre and the eastern slopes of the Rockies. Nobody owns these horses; they have never worn a bridle nor have they been scarred by a brand, but they do incite plenty of emotion when their management is discussed, on both sides of the pasture, so to speak.
Minister Todd Loewen recently announced that Alberta’s wild horse population has exceeded certain area thresholds with a total provincial population reaching nearly 1,500. The areas of concern are in the Elbow and Clearwater equine zones “where horse populations have exceeded the management thresholds set in the Feral Horse Management Framework.” According to the Framework, if the feral horse population exceeds 100 in the Elbow zone or 150 in the Clearwater zone, then management actions need to take place. The latest counts show that the Elbow zone has reached 111 while the Clearwater zone has reached 156. Not big numbers, but still numbers beyond those set down in the Framework as “Threshold 2”. According to the Framework, “Population levels of horses approaching or at Threshold 2 are managed through actions like adoption, contraception or other programs that help maintain or reduce the herd size.”
The biggest concern among Alberta wild horse advocates, such as the Help Alberta Wildies Society and the Wild Horses of Alberta Society, regarding the management of these horses, centres around the potential for culling, which is most likely considered “other programs” within the Framework. However, according to the Framework, “Euthanizing horses will only be considered as a last resort when all other options have been explored and are not viable as a means to lower the populations.”
But wild horse advocates aren’t convinced there’s a problem, citing a new peer-reviewed report by Wayne McCrory, a registered professional biologist in British Columbia, who has studied Alberta’s feral horses, including back in 2015 when the last population control efforts took place. According to McCrory, he couldn’t “find hard evidence that horses are contributing significantly to rangeland degradation other than in minor ways at localized sites.”
But, according to the Alberta Wilderness Association, “Globally, it is well-established that invasive introduced species are among the top five greatest threats to biological diversity. The protection of feral horses in Alberta, therefore, does not fit within our mandate of protecting Alberta’s wildlife and wild places.”
And the Alberta Wildlife Federation agrees, “Feral horses, while an iconic part of Alberta’s landscape, pose ecological challenges when populations are not effectively managed. Overgrazing, competition with native species such as deer, elk, and bighorn sheep, and damage to critical habitats—particularly in sensitive rangeland and riparian zones—are pressing concerns that demand attention.”
While Alberta moves towards a potential cull, the debate remains contentious, reflecting broader discussions on wildlife management and ecological conservation.
It appears the war over grass is about to begin.
For the previous Outdoor Pursuits article, click here.